Stepping With God Into The Unknown
Jun 21, 2022
Message Summary: A better future rarely comes without change. Change often seems frightening, but it doesn't have to be. If we cling to God--the One who protects, the One without limits--then the unknown can be exciting instead of intimidating, and we can experience growth and new joy that will brighten our days and expand our horizons.
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. Philippians 3:13 NIV
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV
We often cling to the familiar things in life, even when we know that those familiar things aren’t perfect. We might stay trapped in harmful daily routines, health situations, or abusive relationships because the thought of moving on to anything else is terrifying.
Some people stay in ill-fitting careers forever, even though every day is spent complaining and talking about how wonderful a different atmosphere would be. How many times have you heard people talk about hating their jobs, and how many times have you listened to those same people list reason after reason why they couldn’t do anything else?
We might even hold onto pain because it’s what we know best.
Sometimes, the chasm between familiar discomfort and the unknown of our dreams seems too wide and perilous to cross—so we never do.
The reasons for staying stuck in bad personal or professional situations are usually a little different for everyone, but in the end, many “reasons” might just be excuses based on fear of the unknown.
Sometimes, we might keep a “safe” distance between ourselves and a deep spiritual life out of such fear, too. The waters between familiar doubt and full faith might seem too perilous to cross—so we rarely do. Letting go of our reliance on human reasoning can seem frightening, so we might make excuses to stay in a familiar fog of tepid faith.
However, God tells us to let go of our doubts and follow Him confidently into the unknown. He promises we won’t be disappointed. We can grow personally and spiritually, we can grow through change, if we simply trust Him to guide and protect us.
God invites us to go ahead and expand our little worlds in order to see His greater reality, because only then can we have true spiritual experiences and growth. The greatest spiritual blessings can only be realized when we are willing to let go of our learned partnerships with earthly hurt and disappointment and fear. We must let go of these things and imagine a future without limits. We must embrace hope.
Today, give yourself over to God completely and allow faith to overwhelm you and guide you. Pray for God to gently pry your hands away from whatever dull or painful circumstances you have come to rely on for safety. He is offering you your own “promised land,” but to get there you must be willing to step out with Him into the unknown.
Today, take His hand and allow Him to guide you forward with love and wisdom.
Prayer: Dear God, today I offer my hand to You. Erase my doubts and lead me into the glorious future You have promised me.
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