No More Side Effects: The Benefits of Being Pill-Free (Part I)
Nov 05, 2024
Today I’m beginning a new series of videos on my YouTube channel that talk about the benefits of being off medications. For the next four videos I will talk about this topic, exploring benefits such as eliminating side effects, reducing anxiety, breaking free of an oppressive and broken “healthcare” system, and increasing self-esteem and empowerment.
It’s now been over a decade since I got off Paxil and Xanax, and the decision to move away from those medications is one I never regret. Although the process of getting off prescription medications can be scary and confusing at times because of withdrawal effects, there are a multitude of reasons to follow through on the goal to achieve more natural, pill-free wellness. It is my hope that these videos will serve as important reminders and motivators for those who are currently working through your own healing process. It is my hope that these videos will remind you that there is great value in what you are doing!
As you watch these videos I urge you to take encouragement from them no matter what “stage of the game” you currently find yourself in. If you are still tapering, use these videos as motivating fuel to continue moving forward in your reductions.
And if you are already off medications and working through an ongoing healing process, use them to remind yourself of why you have come this far and of the great value in what you have done. The benefits continue multiplying and growing over time.
In today’s video—the first in the series—I will talk about one massive but sometimes overlooked benefit of being off medications: No more side effects.
Please enjoy the video at the link below, and have a blessed day of healing & growth!
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