The Path of Continual Improvement

May 13, 2024
Healing is a process of continual improvement, even if it is nonlinear

There is a great quote by Mark Twain that says: “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.”

I’ve talked about this quote before, but to begin this week I’d like to exam it again, as I believe its message is central to moving forward in a healing process.

Too often in life people put off the difficult work of self-improvement because they imagine perfection, and then they imagine how impossible perfection will be to reach. Having done so, it seems easier not to try at all – not to reach for new goals, not to take the tough first steps, not to continue the path forward when the going gets surprisingly tough.

But guess what? Perfection doesn’t exist, for anyone.

“Better,” however, does exist, and that is what this healing process is all about.

It is about getting a little better, week by week, month by month.

It is about remembering that healing is non-linear.

There will be ups and downs, but the big picture is always moving onward and upward.

Therefore, even though you might feel lousy in a given day or week, you are still moving forward.

No matter how you feel, you are still on the path of continuous improvement.

Sometimes continuous improvement is about simple perseverance.

There might be many things that go into your “recipe for success” – a certain diet, a great support system, particular coping skills – but ultimately this must all be predicated on the unshakeable value of perseverance.

The person who doesn’t give up will see some improvement.

And then some more.

As Babe Ruth said: “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.”

Don’t give up. No matter how you are feeling to begin this week, stay committed to your goal of moving your life forward.

You are writing the story of your life—the story of your healing and success—day in and day out.

At times this is like putting fine ink to paper, at other times it is like crafting a manuscript with sweat and blood. It is a story that spans great challenges and includes large sacrifices, but it is ultimately one of triumph – if you refuse to give up.

Don’t be perfectionistic with yourself. Have goals, have standards, but also have compassion for yourself.

And realize that every week you are moving forward just a little further and a little further.

Give yourself credit and encouragement.

Thank God for how he’s brought you safely to another week of opportunity.

And have great hope for the good that is yet to come.

Keep at it, and have a blessed Monday!


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About the Author

Michael Priebe is a writer and wellness coach who has helped people from all over the world understand antidepressant withdrawal, benzodiazepine withdrawal, anxiety, stress, and healing. In coaching he has worked one-on-one with individuals from nearly twenty countries, and his Lovely Grind YouTube videos inspire thousands of viewers each month. He invites you to inquire about his coaching today to find the knowledge and inspiration needed to fuel your own wellness journey. 

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