Withdrawal: Avoid This One Thing!

Aug 21, 2023

What should a person avoid in withdrawal healing?

There is a lot of conflicting information out there regarding what a person ought to do and not do in the antidepressant and benzodiazepine withdrawal & healing process. Myself, when I got off Paxil (an SSRI) and Xanax (a benzo medication) about a decade ago, I was temporarily overwhelmed by the idea of trying to be "perfect" in healing.

Some people said that you can't drink alcohol, coffee, or certain teas while in antidepressant withdrawal or benzodiazepine withdrawal.

Others say you must avoid exercise.

Still others say you can't eat meat or dairy or sugar.

So what, truly, should a person avoid in this withdrawal and healing process?

That is the million dollar question that I address in this video, and while my answer might surprise you, I can guarantee it will help you!

Please enjoy the video (link below), and don't forget to visit my website (www.lovelygrind.com) to check out my Support & Success monthly membership and other coaching options.



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About the Author

Michael Priebe is a writer and wellness coach who has helped people from all over the world understand antidepressant withdrawal, benzodiazepine withdrawal, anxiety, stress, and healing. In coaching he has worked one-on-one with individuals from nearly twenty countries, and his Lovely Grind YouTube videos inspire thousands of viewers each month. He invites you to inquire about his coaching today to find the knowledge and inspiration needed to fuel your own wellness journey. 

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