Withdrawal Doesn't Discriminate
Oct 28, 2022
When a person is coming off antidepressants or benzodiazepine medications and experiences withdrawal effects, it is easy to get lost in feelings of a) isolation and b) self-pity. It is easy to think that, “Hey, I must be the only one going through this, at least with this sort of intensity.”
And it’s easy to get lost in depressive rumination, thinking: “Why me, why me, why only me?”
However, the symptoms of withdrawal—as difficult and bizarre as they can be—are simply a “normal” part of tapering and quitting these medications for many people. If you are someone who’s going through this situation right now, I want to remind you of a couple things:
- It isn’t just you. Withdrawal doesn’t discriminate. It happens to many different people in all sorts of locations and life situations.
- Healing will happen for you, too. Healing doesn’t discriminate.
In my latest YouTube video (link below), I recount the withdrawal experience of a high-profile rock star, Kenny Loggins. Perhaps some of you remember Kenny and his music from the Top Gun or Footloose soundtracks, but he’s had many varied hits over the years, and in his recent memoir, Still Alright, he talks about not only the ups and downs of his music career but his benzodiazepine use and subsequent withdrawal experience.
In stark detail, Kenny describes his dependance on the drug, and how difficult it was for him to endure the physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that came about when quitting the drug.
Why do I share this story? Well, first because it reminds everyone that “Hey, it isn’t just me.” These drugs, and their withdrawal symptoms, can happen to anyone. That realization alone should feel comforting.
Also, I share the story of Kenny Loggins because he talks about how he healed from withdrawal. He talks about the thoughts and lifestyle habits that helped him to feel better (spoiler alert, one of them is jogging), and that high profile healing story is just another reminder that although withdrawal doesn’t discriminate, neither does healing. If we just find support, care for ourselves, and give things time, healing is out there for all.
Please enjoy this YouTube video, and don’t forget to subscribe to the Lovely Grind on YouTube if you haven’t already.
Until next time,
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